How Reality Capture is Safeguarding BAM’s Legacy and Shaping the Future of Construction
In the fast-paced world of construction, protecting our people, our business, and our reputation is at the heart of everything we do. Whether we’re on a major infrastructure project or a heritage restoration, ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance is non-negotiable.
A powerful, and often overlooked, tool in safeguarding our reputation is the use of legacy data — information that tracks everything from installation quality and project progress to compliance with safety regulations and product specifications. This data not only protects us from potential claims but also ensures we can quickly identify latent defects, locate products in the event of recalls, and even address issues that may arise years after project handover.
With increasing regulatory scrutiny, particularly related to the Building Safety Act 2022, there’s an growing demand from our clients for a complete audit trail, known as the digital golden thread. This consistent stream of data offers an accurate, comprehensive record of a project’s design, construction, and safety features, ensuring full compliance with current and future regulations. Enter Reality Capture — the technology that’s transforming how we document and manage every stage of construction.
Reality capture combines the science of photogrammetry — the art of gathering precise data through photography — with cutting-edge technology to create a detailed, visual record of a project. Unlike traditional methods, reality capture gives us a complete view of a site, capturing everything from site conditions and construction progress to safety compliance. And with the ability to access this data years later, we can revisit a project from any angle, even long after it’s been handed over.
BAM UK&I has partnered with Spere XG (formerly known as Holobuilder) to leverage this technology. Through a simple, web-based platform, we can store and view 360-degree images captured via handheld cameras or drones. Spere XG isn’t just about taking photos; it’s a powerful tool that allows us to measure, annotate, and generate reports, all from the comfort of a desk.
The results are clear to see - time and cost savings, improved safety, and better collaboration across teams.
Spere XG isn’t just changing how we capture data — it’s transforming how we work across a range of sectors. Here’s how reality capture is adding value to some of our key projects:
Earthworks and Supply Chain Coordination: Reality capture is also improving how we manage logistics and material sourcing. On a recent earthwork project, drones captured quantities for haul roads, giving the team a more accurate scope of work and allowing for better communication with the supply chain.
Reality capture technology has become an essential tool in the construction industry and BAM UK&I is committed to using it to drive innovation, enhance collaboration, and reduce risks.
By documenting every stage of a project, from design to completion, we ensure greater accuracy, better compliance, and a lasting legacy that we can all be proud of.
As the appetite for digital tools grows, reality capture will continue to be at the forefront of how we build, manage, and maintain assets. It’s no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity.